Monday, September 14, 2009

Even complete strangers can teach you a thing or two!

My Monday mornings (around 7:15) generally involve waiting at the Aundh bus stop to get back to Mumbai. Now, this has sort of become a routine unless I plan to stay in Mumbai on weekends...Anyway so this bus stop isn't any ordinary bus's a junction where all office goers, commuters (Pune-Mumbai travellers in particular) wait for their respective buses...The Neetas, Prasannas, Shivneris all halt here and in case you are a regular at this stop, you know you get to see a lot of familiar faces (as in people waiting for their Pune bound buses)...although the Pune Mumbai junta is not the same everytime....dunno why I see new faces all the time!

It was this morning that I discovered something after which my face simply lit up! I realized there's this uncle I keep seeing everytime, waiting for his office bus and always sporting a pleasant smile with such a refreshing look that would probably defy his age!! Seriously!! And that's when I was like if people his age can be so cheerful and lively, why can't we? Believe it or not, most of the youngsters at this bus stop have such expressions on their faces as if tragedy's struck or something!! I know that isn't my's entirely upto them to choose their expressions but it makes me wonder especially when I look at this ever smiling uncle (I don't even know him by the way!!) and I feel like yes, this is how life is meant to be lived! So what if I have to go to work, so what if I have to travel all the way to Mumbai, my smile is my asset and I should flaunt it no matter what! :)

Kudos to this stranger who taught me something today :)


Some Little Greens said...

good one. there are people who travel mumbai - puna every day. hats off to their efforts as well.

desh said...

any regular travel makes for interesting encounters, if you look arnd you will so many of these charecters, who teach you something, everytime

btw young junta is tired living an artificial life, mayb its time they take a lesson or two :)

anyway this travel seems a regular affair for all the it junta frm mumbai working in pune :)

Unknown said...


RUCHA said...

thanks for visiting!