Thursday, June 19, 2008 search of that "feel good" factor!

Well it's a known fact that we all need to keep up with our busy schedules just so that we survive in the so-called rat race. We try our level best to juggle between various activities which happen to feature on our to-do what happens? Chances are that we end up doing barely half of these[in my case it's not even half :(( ] leaving us, if not totally but to some extent, dejected. What everyone looks for is a "feel good" factor in all the activities that they take up and here, we don't even feel satisfied in the first place, let alone the "feel good" factor!!

So, what do we do? Stop doing what we had been doing? Naah! As they say, it's all in the this is definitely not a time management blog entry please...getting back to the topic, if you really want something in life and want it bad then you end up getting it in the end by fair means or foul! And not just that, the feel good factor comes as a by product then! Parkinson's law (made it a hyperlink just in case you wanna read more about it..DISCLAIMER:might put you off though...!!!) states that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". Bingo that's the answer to all our ever increasing problems (read lack of time, fatigue etc etc)

If that's not all then one should definitely read 'Eat that frog' by Brian's too early for me to talk about the book given that I have just started reading it but take it from me it's worth reading!

So after all that gyaan(for self of course!), I'm off to chase my to-do list items...wishing you all the luck with your to-do lists (if at all you got one haha!!)


Sachin Sawant said...

Hey, Nice post..... Parkinson's law..... is cool....... i wasn't aware of it....... thanks for the info..... and best of luck with ur to do list......... :)

RUCHA said...

ya thnx!! n there r lot many other laws i will add about Rucha's law?? :D :D

Ravi Ramani said...

nice article,
thats pretty much everyone's problem nowadays to cater to our to-do lists
It was refreshing and it seems I should read 'Eat that Frog'..
to get rid of always tempting procrastination

RUCHA said...

thanks! you won't believe but I couldn't complete "Eat that Frog" somehow thanks to procrastination!! This sucks!