Thursday, June 5, 2008

Putting the "IF" statement to good use!

It's time to do some reality check and find out what mood you are in right now and then see what's in store for you...3..2...1...0

Close your eyes(hey not immediately else how on earth are you gonna read...just kidding!) and ask yourself...'am I content with what I have?', 'am I frustrated?', 'do I feel like slapping the people around me?', 'do I feel like dancing right now?', 'is this what I want from life or is there more to it?', 'how about bunking school/college/work? sounds great na!', 'do I feel completely lost???'...the questions are endless...and that's simply because we as human beings have a lot of emotions which ought to be expressed...there are times when you feel like doing things which may be rather weird but you think better of it for sanity's sake! Anyway, my blog is definitely not gonna help you do all those crazy things you have on mind but it sure as hell would make you feel better...the only input I need from you is your state of mind right now...that's why I made you close your eyes and think(which is quite rare nowadays considering our busy lifestyles)

For all practical purposes, I capture your mood in a variable called "your_mood" ok? I guess I heard a 'yes'..well then time now to match your mood with the available list below and voila! you are bound to stumble upon something! Click on the links inside the "IF" statements...

if your_mood=="happy"
"Since I said I'm happy, I don't care where this link takes me"***

else if your_mood=="I'm feelin sleepy"
"then you better check this out...everything you wanted to know about sleep"
else if your_mood=="bored"
"get rid of boredom right away..see for yourself"
else if your_mood=="I can't figure out my mood..."
"don't worry here's the solution to your problem..just type whatever you feel like after hitting this URL..pretty simple"

***I'm sure had it not been for this link you would not have even bothered checking it out hahah

Hope you feel better now....

Disclaimer-I cannot be held responsible if reading the blog wasted your valuable time/didn't make an ounce of difference to your mood...I was just doin tp that's all hahah!!

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