Thursday, June 19, 2008 search of that "feel good" factor!

Well it's a known fact that we all need to keep up with our busy schedules just so that we survive in the so-called rat race. We try our level best to juggle between various activities which happen to feature on our to-do what happens? Chances are that we end up doing barely half of these[in my case it's not even half :(( ] leaving us, if not totally but to some extent, dejected. What everyone looks for is a "feel good" factor in all the activities that they take up and here, we don't even feel satisfied in the first place, let alone the "feel good" factor!!

So, what do we do? Stop doing what we had been doing? Naah! As they say, it's all in the this is definitely not a time management blog entry please...getting back to the topic, if you really want something in life and want it bad then you end up getting it in the end by fair means or foul! And not just that, the feel good factor comes as a by product then! Parkinson's law (made it a hyperlink just in case you wanna read more about it..DISCLAIMER:might put you off though...!!!) states that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". Bingo that's the answer to all our ever increasing problems (read lack of time, fatigue etc etc)

If that's not all then one should definitely read 'Eat that frog' by Brian's too early for me to talk about the book given that I have just started reading it but take it from me it's worth reading!

So after all that gyaan(for self of course!), I'm off to chase my to-do list items...wishing you all the luck with your to-do lists (if at all you got one haha!!)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Putting the "IF" statement to good use!

It's time to do some reality check and find out what mood you are in right now and then see what's in store for you...3..2...1...0

Close your eyes(hey not immediately else how on earth are you gonna read...just kidding!) and ask yourself...'am I content with what I have?', 'am I frustrated?', 'do I feel like slapping the people around me?', 'do I feel like dancing right now?', 'is this what I want from life or is there more to it?', 'how about bunking school/college/work? sounds great na!', 'do I feel completely lost???'...the questions are endless...and that's simply because we as human beings have a lot of emotions which ought to be expressed...there are times when you feel like doing things which may be rather weird but you think better of it for sanity's sake! Anyway, my blog is definitely not gonna help you do all those crazy things you have on mind but it sure as hell would make you feel better...the only input I need from you is your state of mind right now...that's why I made you close your eyes and think(which is quite rare nowadays considering our busy lifestyles)

For all practical purposes, I capture your mood in a variable called "your_mood" ok? I guess I heard a 'yes'..well then time now to match your mood with the available list below and voila! you are bound to stumble upon something! Click on the links inside the "IF" statements...

if your_mood=="happy"
"Since I said I'm happy, I don't care where this link takes me"***

else if your_mood=="I'm feelin sleepy"
"then you better check this out...everything you wanted to know about sleep"
else if your_mood=="bored"
"get rid of boredom right away..see for yourself"
else if your_mood=="I can't figure out my mood..."
"don't worry here's the solution to your problem..just type whatever you feel like after hitting this URL..pretty simple"

***I'm sure had it not been for this link you would not have even bothered checking it out hahah

Hope you feel better now....

Disclaimer-I cannot be held responsible if reading the blog wasted your valuable time/didn't make an ounce of difference to your mood...I was just doin tp that's all hahah!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Every footpath in India has a different story to tell :O

So after a hiatus(not a deliberate one though), I'm back on blogger. Before I begin my assault on Indian footpaths(which are getting extinct with each passing day), let me tell you where this entire thing came from.

We decided to switch from the good ol' Times of India to Hindustan Times for the simple reason that HT is easy on the pocket! (and more importantly coz the crisp TOI used to find its way directly into the trash for some reason(=lack of time); so we thought, it doesn't make sense to pay through your nose and then leave the paper untouched :D) Please excuse me for such a long explanation for the switch. I have this habit of elaborating on trivial matters. Anyway, the point is HT is not that bad after all. As a matter of fact, HT came as a complete revelation to me! If you can ignore the spelling mistakes here and there and you want content that stimulates you, then let's just say you are quite ready for HT. It's just that TOI enjoys such a huge popularity that people don't even bother about the smaller players(read HT, Indian Express etc.). Having said that, I would like to add that TOI is by far the best newspaper in India.

Well now coming straight to the point, I read this article [which featured in HT that's why the whole HT story :)] on the condition of footpaths in India and for some reason I thought I could relate to it given the sorry state of footpaths here in Thane. But guess what, the article had a host of other problems that footpaths in other Indian cities continue to face.
To begin with, cities are now being planned exclusively for vehicles making it very difficult for pedestrians to move about on roads. If you think cities with footpaths are any better, haha think again! Cities which happen to have footpaths, ironically everyone but the pedestrians get to use them. Let me tell you how...In Bangalore, people park their vehicles on footpaths(which is obviously a violation of traffic rules),thus adding to pedestrians' woes. Hawkers encroaching footpaths is a common phenomenon almost everywhere. Well it doesn't stop here...given that people here are downright innovative, they put the footpaths to good use in more ways than one. The other day when I was travelling in a rick, what I saw was absolutely appalling and at the same time disgusting(with a capital D)! People use footpaths as an alternative lavatory as the ladies residing in slums get their little ones to help them answer nature's call. Ew :O

What's more our very own Municipal Corporation adds to our ever increasing problems. Just look around(strictly meant for Thaneites) and you would know....garbage finds place on footpaths which believe it or not, is not surprising anymore...I mean this is something so common that now I almost gape at the sight!

The bottomline is cities with/without footpaths are equally pathetic!
Need I say more??