Monday, June 11, 2007

why is it so hard to wake up early??

It amazes me no matter how hard I try to wake up early, I fail miserably. Talk about incredible consistency! Why is one supposed to start their day early? I mean why can't you just sleep "whenever" you want and wake up "whenever" you want!
There should be a system in place which demands let's say 8 hours from you (applicable to students,working professionals etc) and then all you have to do is devote that many hours anytime in the would become so simple! You wouldn't have to dread waking up way too early in the morning...I mean c'mon yaar(ok yaar is a common hindi word which would necessarily appear in all my blogs! so please excuse me..) not everyone is an early riser after all!!


Pavan said...

One of the reasons we have to wake up early is becoz we dont work for ourselves. We get paid to do other's work.

If I had to work for my own company, where my company is completely sustainable by what I have and I dont want any thing from the outer world...only giving to it, I would have my choice as to when I would wake up, when I would work, and when I would sleep.

But, if i have to catch the data creation guy, he opens his office by 9, and gets busy by 11. If i have to catch him up..i need to get up early..

And so on...can this situation go complex. Adding layer over layer..rule over rule..dependence over dependence!

And thats one of the main reason why We must wake up early.

Unknown said...

Down with waking up !!!!!

MadAss said...

a simple alarm clock should fix ur problem.

basYOONhiKUCHfarmaya said...

lets have a community dedicated to the cause..
i wonder wat will be te name?
slogan will be"say no to alarm clocks

Unknown said...'o'phobic.rebellion.suyash.tcs.bbsr.nit ald.bnglr.allocated

Prateek said...

true.. evry1 may not b an early riser.. hey but have u ever wondered.. why nights are the most peaceful tym of d day?.. (pun intended)..
v sleep at nights to b able to sleep well..
and v r supposed 2 wake up early simply because waking up early is d surest way not to miss ur bus to work! ;)

Arshat Chaudhary said...

thts such an amazing post...
We need flexi timing college, at work..apparently a lotta ppl hate waking up early..
did u know tht there is a Comm on Orkut bout ppl who hate to get up early... it has more than 2 lac members.

RUCHA said...

thnx 4 ur suggestions folks!!
as 4 alarm clocks,they hardly serve d purpose :D!!
it's snoozing all d way!!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

RUCHA said...

thanks folks! :)