Friday, July 17, 2009

You ain't seen nothing yet!

Well it's not that I want to get philosophical or something but there are experiences in life which make you think hard in order to find out why something is happening to you or why you come across people who are almost impossible to deal in the last 2-3 months, there were a couple of challenges both on work and personal fronts. As far as work goes, well I guess I had my share of ups and downs, not the sinusoidal kinds though!! :D And when your ego clouds your mind, you are in deep trouble! It then doesn't matter what you think for the simple reason that at the end it is gonna leave you frustrated about everything. As it is, frustration in this world is like a commodity which is up for grabs and that is probably the reason why we all end up picking quite a chunk of it! That is why, Rule #1 is to keep that ever inflating ego aside and think with a relaxed mind...again, the intention isn't to get preachy here! But this is what I realized of late and I thought this is something which I ought to share with everyone. One round of introspection once in a while can do you a world of good! Trust me ;) Another thing I observed is we sometimes, blow things out of proportion....this I concluded after my chats with mommy darling, my life skills coach! :) So, Rule #2 is to treat all problems uniformly and not to attach so much importance that all the other things in life cease to matter! And that's that.

As for the impossible souls one has to deal with, I wonder why they do not fall under the extinct species...maybe if they did, how would you and me learn our lessons? :D You know if you ACCEPT things in life, half your problems actually disappear! For example, since I'm like a cleanliness freak, I expect everybody else to be like that (read roomies)....but that is where the huge mistake lies! Forget cleanliness and if indifference is all you get, you have a sure shot recipe to go berserk! !#@$#@ This is where Rule #3 comes into picture which is "It just doesn't matter coz we need to respect people's idiosyncrasies and eccentricities after all" HEHAHAHA!! Maybe this is my way of comforting myself but it does help! I mean not everyone can be like me and it is this difference I believe that sets me apart! I am not on an ego trip mind you but when you come across lousy people in life, you're compelled to make such statements! Take it or leave it!